Volleyball Drops Four Set Match to St. Louis Pharmacy

Volleyball Drops Four Set Match to St. Louis Pharmacy

The Beavers fell to the Pharmacy Eutectics three to one tonight. Katelyn Wiegand impressed by leading the Beavers in kills.

The Highlights:

  • Both teams totaled 53 points.
  • The Beavers posted a .121 attack ratio as well as 141 attacks and 54 digs. Pharmacy posted .152 attack ratio and 145 attacks.
  • The Beavers' Katelyn Wiegand had a standout game leading the team in kills. Kendall Knop also had a good game and she made her presence felt at the net and behind the line with her thunderous hits.
  • The Eutectics took game one, but the Beavers answered back with a strong and decisive showing in game two. The Eutectics took the next two sets, but both sets saw the lead tip back and forth.
  • The game ended with a great run from the Beavers in which they outscored Pharmacy nine to four and came up just short of a comeback.

Next Up: at Greenville 9-16-17: 11 AM CDT